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  • International UN Ambassador

  • Trauma Expert 

  • Psych Clinical Director

  • Neuroscience EMDR Therapist 

  • International Mediator

  • Policy Analyst

My name is Estera Borcsa. I am Romanian, Hungarian, and Russian-- mixed and proud. I was born in Romania, a beautiful country wailing from the negative impact left by the communist leader Nicolae Ceausescu and communism.  I witnessed disparity to a monumental level and saw individuals, families, and communities broken by systemic trauma coupled with poverty, discrimination, and abuse.  


I witnessed the way it impacted my own family and it put a fire within me from a young age to fight for systemic change and break generational curses of trauma. Trauma impedes your worldview and blinds you from reaching your destiny. You can’t choose the shit you are born into but you can fulfill your destiny despite it and gain the confidence you need to move forward in every area of your life. 

I live somewhere at the intersection of Mental Health, Policy, and Law.  I focused on all three for my Master’s Degree from the University of Southern California (USC). I am a licensed psychotherapist, a Certified Neuroscience EMDR Therapist, and a Clinical Director of 5 Intense Mental Health Programs. I witness firsthand the debilitating impact of trauma. 

Let me teach you my Neuro Biological Three Prong Approach to clearing your past, being in the present, and planning your future.  Unresolved Trauma will creep up in every area of your life, we repeat what we don’t repair. 


My mission in life is to break generational curses of trauma, and transform lives, families, communities, and governments. 

Village Girl to Ambassador

Who This is For

This is for the people who were born into disparity.

Who wants to break the cycle of abuse and trauma and create impact?

Break the family curse. Be the person who steps out of chaos, who learns how to regulate emotions, deal with toxic stress, and heal trauma, to reach your full potential in every area of your life.


"Estera’s trauma work is phenomenal. Her explanation and techniques, using neuroscience, revolutionized my relationships with family members and co- workers."

Sandy Standtead

"Estera Borcsa saved my marriage. She was highly referred by my wife’s colleague and I was skeptical at first but the first session she made us laugh histerically through a mirroring activity. My wife and I mention her all the time and use the skills she taught us in her sessions."

Anthony Soto 

"I attended A few of Estera Borcsa’s trainings and I am hooked. I can’t wait until her next training. She speaks from true passion and grace! She kept a room full of 200+ people engaged, laughing and crying for 3 hours."

Jamie Mendoza

Get the FREE Neurobiological
3-Prong Approach To Overcome Trauma And Take Charge of Your Life 

Clear Your Past.
Be Present.
Build Your Future. 

Overcome the obstacles you were born into and reach your full potential.

Image by Charles Deluvio

Individual Therapy


Group Therapy

Image by Simon Abrams

Courses & Training


Let’s Engage

Phone Number: 714-603-3815   /     Email: 

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